By: Dennis Paul | May 13, 2019

Branding on a Budget – 7 Free Strategies for Growing Your Brand

Branding on a Budget: 7 Free Strategies for Growing Your Brand

When launching your company, you have a lot of decisions to make. Brand identity is vital for new businesses, yet many young entrepreneurs don’t know how to approach branding on a budget. You don’t need to be a mega-corporation or a millionaire to construct a solid brand strategy – if you approach building your voice creatively, you can make an impression without breaking the bank. Free social media tools are a great place to start, but business owners can also use blogging, email marketing, collaborations, and other strategies to grow their brand. Reputation Control Inc has rounded up seven strategies expanding businesses can utilize to make an impact for free. Check off these branding on a budget techniques so that you can spend your time and money on what really counts – providing an incredible product or service.

7 Strategies for Branding on a Budget:

1. Social Media

Free social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow you to deliver your brand message and communicate directly with your target audience. Consumers’ reliance on social media is growing each year. Over 3 billion people are using social media, and that number is increasing every year. Customers are shifting their focus from traditional advertising to more personal content experiences. The good news for business owners on a budget is that social media is free. Social media allows entrepreneurs to reach the people that interest them most – their target demographic – directly.

Information on social platforms like Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat isn’t only entertaining the general public. It is are affecting the way they interact with products and make purchases. Research by Kinsey found that marketing induced consumer-to-consumer word-of-mouth generates twice the sales of paid advertising. So, businesses that can’t afford to run paid ads can still achieve great results. The key is creating great content that will speak to your audience and be shared naturally. Find your brand voice, message, and tone and social media can be a useful and free tool for building your brand.

2. Blogging

It doesn’t cost anything to implement blog posts into your content marketing strategy, but you will see payoffs in heightened engagement and increased revenue.

Blogging is an inexpensive way for new companies to drive traffic to their website, intensify inbound marketing efforts, and bring in more prospective clients. A recent marketing report showed that nearly 80% of companies that use blogging as a part of their marketing strategy reported acquiring customers through their blogging efforts.

Blogging provides a boost in search engine optimization and helps develop a rapport with new and existing customers. Having a successful blog can also help brands establish their position as industry leaders. Blogging creates ways for people to connect to your brand and opens opportunities for sharing. Young businesses branding on a budget will find that writing a blog is an easy and cheap way to build their relationships.

3. Email Marketing Branding on a Budget - Growing Your Brand

Email marketing is a free tool that naturally develops a direct connection with your core demographic while sharing your brand voice and goals. Some critics say email is no longer useful, but the benefits of email marketing are clear. Almost one-third of customers prefer brands to communicate with them via email over any other channel, including social media. So, when you’re branding on a budget, reaching out to your email database with useful, authentic, and entertaining content can be incredibly effective.

Sixty-six percent of consumers have purchased a product or service as a result of viewing a brand email, and email marketing delivers an ROI of 4,300 percent. Newsletters provide a fantastic return, making email marketing a no-brainer decision for any brand looking to reach their audience without spending their savings. Just make sure your content is valuable in other ways – customers will see right through spam.

4. Customer Service

There is no extra charge for providing outstanding customer service. By treating clients with respect, you can build your brand naturally through word of mouth.

Satisfied customers will tell their friends and family about your brand, both in person and online. If you are branding on a budget, you want the free press. It’s simple – when happy clients are talking about your business, you won’t have to. Consumers find greater credibility in what their peers are saying about a brand than in what the brand says about themselves. By providing outstanding customer service to your customers, you are building a healthy and long-lasting relationship with your existing clients, and encouraging them to send you new ones.

5. Video Marketing Branding on a Budget

These days, every phone has a camera, and anyone can upload to Youtube. Video Marketing is a fantastic way to share information about your brand. Many young business owners assume video marketing isn’t in their budget, but you don’t need a professional film crew to create valuable content. Modern customers are visual, and they want to see the product or service you are selling in action. Entrepreneurs are catching on to the trend. Sixty-three percent of businesses are using video content marketing. Out of those companies, eighty-two percent of businesses feel video marketing is an essential part of their strategy.

If you’re branding on a budget, you can use your phone to create straightforward content that shares knowledge about your niche market, demonstrates your product, and initiates a conversation with your audience. It is free to upload to Youtube, and with the right strategy, you can see a significant return on your invested time and energy.

6. Collaborations

Teamwork is one of the most successful tools for growing a company. When branding on a budget, consider collaborating with other brands who share your vision.

When used wisely, strategic brand collaborations and brand partnerships can be an inexpensive and powerful way to strengthen your business. These partnerships allow brands to reach new markets and increase their brand awareness. Collaborations are also a way for brands to build their appeal with another company’s client base.

Look for a brand to team up with that is aligned with your voice and creative thinking. When successful, both brands can benefit from advanced growth, reduced expenses, and a greater reach. Finding the perfect partnership for cross-promotion can be a significant money-saver.

7. Speaking and Events Branding on a Budget - Growing Your Brand

For a growing brand, publicity is critical. Many public speaking opportunities and networking events are free – keep an eye out for occasions to share your message.

Speaking directly to your target audience is one of the best ways to genuinely engage your demographic. Events that attract your niche market can be huge opportunities. Public speaking can be an occasion for you to be seen as a leading authority in your industry while simultaneously promoting your brand.

Many events are looking for speakers to engage their attendees, and the opportunity is free (and sometimes even paid). Whether the situation is a short talk, a conference, or even a business presentation, speaking to the right audience can be game-changing. A persuasive speech will leave your listeners with an increased awareness of your brand and an excitement to share your information with others…all at no cost to you.

Let’s Get Started

Are you finally ready to get your company’s online reputation back on track? If your answer is YES, then we are here to help.

Feel free to take advantage of our free consultation. You can contact us by phone at (888) 805-4121 or by email at

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