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How do you get your Pictures off the Internet?
Embarrassed by some accident caught on tape? And the worst part becomes that someone thought it would be funny to take a picture and post it on the internet. How do you get your pictures off the internet?One of the biggest issues that face people and their reputation these days is the pictures that are posted online of them. How do you get your pictures off the internet? While many of these pictures are posted by the person themselves, there are many others that have been posted by friends or acquaintances without permission. Some are passed along to file sharing sites like like pinterest, flickr, twitpic, photobucket, imgur, and phanfare!
Now, your picture has gone viral and everyone is going to be passing it around! When you find that there is an unflattering or inappropriate picture of you online, learning the best ways to recover from the damage that has been caused can be important. Not only can they be embarrassing, but they can also cause damage to your professional life as well. How do you get your pictures off the internet?
When a picture is posted online, it will stay there forever. If this picture is one that is unflattering of the individual, it can affect their career opportunities and other important items that affect their future.
Studies are now showing that the majority of employers look through social media outlets in order to make the final decision regarding an employee that they are considering hiring. Likewise, colleges have begun to do the same thing in regards to the students which they plan to admit. If negative pictures are found by either of these groups, job opportunities and college admissions could be affected in the process. How do you get your pictures off the internet?
Next, you will need to go through pictures that others have tagged you in and make sure that they are all appropriate. If you find that inappropriate pictures have been posted online, you will need to take the steps necessary to ‘untag’ yourself from these photos. On Facebook, like many other sites, to untag yourself is a matter of following instructions.
After you have removed as many unflattering photos that you have direct access to, you will then need to increase the number of flattering photos that are found online. These positive images will help lower the value of images that may be left on the web and are out of your control.
Finally, how do you get your pictures off the internet? Even when you do not have direct access to a photo, there are still ways that you can have it removed from google or other websites and search engines that it may be a part of. To begin with, you will need to find the source of the photo and then learn the contact information of the person who owns the website. A secret on how do you get your pictures off the internet.
Once you have the contact information, you can simply contact the person who posted the picture and ask them to remove it from their database. More than likely, it was taken without your permission and you can inform them that the image has been stolen. If they refuse to remove the photo, you can then file a complaint with Google to force them to take down the photo. If the pictures were posted by an anonymous source that you can’t track down.
You should keep in mind that even after you have a picture completely removed from the internet that it could take some time before it ceases to exist online. These photos may still circulate for some time even after you have had them erased. For this reason, it is important to be careful of the pictures that you post onto your social media sites because the damage could live on for quite some time.
You will also need to spend some time monitoring the photos that are posted of you in the future as well. Don’t be fooled into thinking that managing your reputation through removing online photos is a onetime task that must be completed. On the contrary, new photos are posted daily and you should keep an active watch on photos that could damage your reputation in the future as well.
It can be quite a process to go through if you are looking to improve a reputation that has been heavily damaged by photos that have been posted online. It is important that you maintain vigilant through this process and make sure that you are removing at least the pictures that are causing you the most grief.
The goal of managing your reputation through photos is to have positive and flattering photos in the top searches of Google and other search engines. If you find the opposite when you Google your name, it is time to complete a little damage control and begin working to bring up your image. A negative online reputation can damage many aspects of a person’s life and it is important that we all make an effort to protect it as best as we can.
Are you finally ready to get your company’s online reputation back on track? If your answer is YES, then we are here to help.
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